My impressions on ELT before and after taking the Methodology course

Posted July 1, 2007 by oswaldoipc
Categories: formative

Before taking this course I had already had experience on teaching English in different places. I worked at:

– Policia Metropolitana (teaching police officers)

– Liceo Metropolitano

– Maria Auxiliadora school

– Nuestra señora del Carmen school

– CVA downtown

– Loscher Institute

I have to be sincere but I was really empiric when it came to be about doing my job and it was not until I started at “CVA” and later on “Loscher Institute” when I got a formal training on teaching English — I have to say that both trainings and approaches were widely different–. However I had not got and handled such a huge array of information regarding ELT until I took this course at the ped.

 I have learned so much and something which is more important: I have reflected on my teaching performance — especially on my weaknesses– and now I am trying to do my utmost in the current place I am working.

Before taking this course I was one the guys thinking that teaching English was a piece of cake as long as you handle a nice pronunciation, fluency, intonation and a wide vocabulary…

All in all, I can say that nowadays I have realized this is not so true. Teaching English is a demmanding job –as long as you take it for real– so you have to study, train and even research about the way you are intended to perform your teaching activity; and this course have come in handy to improve my performance.

I also would like to thank our teacher for guiding us in this complicated thing which is applying the use of new technologies for our teaching activity.

I have worked with my students using the new technologies and though it has been a little bit messy, most of them have shown a great interest on continuing doing it like this… –next term I am creating a group similar to the one the teacher created to work on their assigments.

What is ICT?

Posted July 1, 2007 by oswaldoipc
Categories: formative

(I found this information surfing the net and I think it is a good idea to share it with all of you) 

You see the letters ICT everywhere – particularly in education. But what does it mean? Read our brief introduction to this important and fast-changing subject.

ICT is an acronym that stands for Information Communications Technology However, apart from explaining an acronym, there is not a universally accepted definition of ICT? Why? Because the concepts, methods and applications involved in ICT are constantly evolving on an almost daily basis. Its difficult to keep up with the changes – they happen so fast.Let’s focus on the three words behind ICT:


A good way to think about ICT is to consider all the uses of digital technology that already exist to help individuals, businesses and organizations use information.

ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. For example, personal computers, digital television, email, robots.So ICT is concerned with the storage, retrieval, manipulation, transmission or receipt of digital data. Importantly, it is also concerned with the way these different uses can work with each other. In business, ICT is often categorized into two broad types of product:

(1) The traditional computer-based technologies (things you can typically do on a personal computer or using computers at home or at work)

– (2) The more recent, and fast-growing range of Digital Communication Technologies (which allow people and organizations to communicate and share information digitally)

Let’s take a brief look at these two categories to demonstrate the kinds of products and ideas that are covered by ICT:

Traditional Computer Based Technologies These types of ICT include:

These types of ICT include:(Application and Use)

Standard Office Applications – Main Examples

Word processing          E.g. Microsoft Word: Write letters, reports etc.

Spreadsheets   E.g. Microsoft Excel; Analyse financial information; calculations; create forecasting models etc.

Database software       E.g. Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Access; Managing data in many forms, from basic lists (e.g. customer contacts through to complex material (e.g. catalogue).

Presentation software  E.g. Microsoft PowerPoint; make presentations, either directly using a computer screen or data projector. Publish in digital format via email or over the Internet.

Desktop publishing      E.g. Adobe Indesign, Quark Express, Microsoft Publisher; produce newsletters, magazines and other complex documents.

Graphics software       E.g Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator; Macromedia Freehand and Fireworks; create and edit images such as logos, drawings or pictures for use in DTP, web sites or other publications.

Specialist Applications – Examples (there are many!)

Accounting package     E.g. Sage, Oracle; Manage an organisation’s accounts including revenues/sales, purchases, bank accounts etc. A wide range of systems is available ranging from basic packages suitable for small businesses through to sophisticated ones aimed at multinational companies.

Computer Aided Design           Computer Aided Design (CAD) is the use of computers to assist the design process. Specialised CAD programs exist for many types of design: architectural, engineering, electronics, roadways.

Customer Relations Management (CRM)           Software that allows businesses to better understand their customers by collecting and analysing data on them such as their product preferences, buying habits etc. Often linked to software applications that run call centres and loyalty cards for example.

Digital Communication Based Technologies

The C part of ICT refers to the communication of data by electronic means, usually over some distance. This is often achieved via networks of sending and receiving equipment, wires and satellite links. The technologies involved in communication tend to be complex. You certainly don’t need to understand them for your ICT course. However, there are aspects of digital communications that you needs to be aware of. These relate primarily to the types of network and the ways of connecting to the Internet. Let’s look at these two briefly (further revision notes provide much more detail to support your study).

Internal networks

Usually referred to as a local area network (LAN), this involves linking a number of hardware items (input and output devices plus computer processing) together within an office or building.The aim of a LAN is to be able to share hardware facilities such as printers or scanners, software applications and data. This type of network is invaluable in the office environment where colleagues need to have access to common data or programmes.

External networks

Often you need to communicate with someone outside your internal network, in this case you will need to be part of a Wide Area Network (WAN). The Internet is the ultimate WAN – it is a vast network of networks.ICT in a Broader ContextYour ICT course will almost certainly cover the above examples of ICT in action, perhaps focusing on the use of key applications such as spreadsheets, databases, presentation, graphics and web design software.It will also consider the following important topics that deal with the way ICT is used and managed in an organisation: -The nature of information (the “I” in ICT); this covers topics such as the meaning and value of information; how information is controlled; the limitations of ICT; legal considerations– Management of information – this covers how data is captured, verified and stored for effective use; the manipulation, processing and distribution of information; keeping information secure; designing networks to share information

– Information systems strategy – this considers how ICT can be used within a business or organisation as part of achieving goals and objectivesAs you can see, ICT is a broad and fast-changing subject. We hope our free study materials (revision notes, quizzes, presentations etc) will help you master IT!

Theories for learning TEFL methodology

Posted June 29, 2007 by oswaldoipc
Categories: formative

By International Teacher Training Organization

  1. There are many theories on learning TEFL methodology. What we can conclude is that when we learn something, some sort of change has occurred within us. Also, we know that learning occurs through life and although it often takes place in a social context, it is a highly individualized process; we all have different learning styles. Theories on language learning and teaching evolve from the fields of psychology and linguistics.
  2. One of the most recognized theories on learning called Behaviorism is based partly on the conditioned-reflex experiments by Ivan Pavlov, a Russian psychologist. Part of the theory in practice consists of providing a stimulus to cause a given response in a repetitive manner. American B.F. Skinner used these experiments to help create a therapy of behavior modification called conditioning. The audio-lingual language learning approach came about as a result of this learning theory; it involved a lot of listen/repeat exercises, transformation drills, and positive reinforcement.
  3. Another relevant learning theory is known as Developmental Psychology, partially credited to Jean Piaget, who determined that learning takes place in four very predictable, sequential, innately determined stages. He made groundbreaking strides in early childhood development studies, and his experiments have been implemented with people of all ages. Some of his theories carry over into the realm of language learning and acquisition. He believed that language acquisition develops mainly from a combination or developmental readiness stages, social interaction, and an individual’s unique interpretation process.
  4. Piaget’s theories led to the beginning of the Cognitive Learning Theories which considered behaviorism way too simplistic in explaining human learning. These theories establish that human beings learn through experiences – a life-long series of trial and error. Interpretation of experiences can lead to understanding or insight. That is, a human being goes through progressive cognitive experiences acquiring knowledge along the way with which to diagnose and solve problems. This process of figuring things out is more than just responding to a stimulus. These principles led to less mechanistic and more humanistic approaches in language learning.
  5. Whether one agrees with previous theories for learning TEFL methodology or not, the important implication in a course of English as a Foreign Language (E.F.L.) is that students learn -and acquire- a given language by means of eclectic (combination) approaches. Also, they learn and acquire language without even being aware of the existence of learning principles embedded in different learning theories.
  6. As we learn relevant elements of the theories for learning TEFL methodology and methodology necessary to become a language teacher, each one of us will come to the realization that the combination of theoretical preparation and teaching experience is the key element that will produce a good English language teacher. The teacher will choose and work with whatever materials, techniques and steps that work well for the learner, regardless of the theory of learning.
  7. In other words, as teachers may apply the different theories of learning, they need to keep awareness that these theories are subjective by their own nature. It is impossible

Encyclopedia, Piaget, Jean,
Encyclopedia, Cognitive Learning,

The Grammar Translation Method

Posted June 22, 2007 by oswaldoipc
Categories: formative

Orrieux, C. (1989: 79) History of Ancient Civilizations 

 “Latin and Ancient Greek are known as “dead languages”, based on the fact that people no longer speak them for the purpose of interactive communication.  Yet they are still acknowledged as important languages to learn (especially Latin) for the purpose of gaining access to classical literature, and up until fairly recently, for the kinds of grammar training that led to the “mental dexterity” considered so important in any higher education study stream.”    

Morris, S. (1996: 12) Techniques in Latin Teaching 

 “Latin has been studied for centuries, with the prime objectives of learning how to read classical Latin texts, understanding the fundamentals of grammar and translation, and gaining insights into some important foreign influences Latin has had on the development of other European languages.  The method used to teach it overwhelmingly bore those objectives in mind, and came to be known as the Classical Method.  It is now more commonly known in Foreign Language Teaching circles as the Grammar Translation Method.” 

The Grammar Translation Method

Howatt  in  his book,  The Empirical Evidence for the Influence of L1  in  Interlanguage (1984: 98) points out The Classical Method (Grammar translation Method) was originally associated with the teaching of Latin and – to a much lesser extent – ancient Greek.            

The aim of teaching Latin and Greek was (and is) obviously not so that learners would be able to speak them. The aims were/are rather to develop : 

          Logical thinking 

          Intellectual capacities to attain a generally educational and  civilizing effect 

          An ability to read original texts in the languages concerned , at least in the better learners.           

Interestingly, Howatt (1984: 131) also states:  “Grammar and Translation are actually not the distinctive features of GT, since they were already well-accepted as basic principles of language teaching. What was new was the use of invented, graded sentences rather than authentic literary texts in order to make language learning easier.”  

Key features 

According to Prator and Celce-Murcia in Teaching English as a Second Foreign Language (1979:3), the key features of the Grammar Translation Method are as follows:  

1)  Classes are taught in the mother tongue, with little active use of the target language.  

2)  Much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isolated words. 

3)  Long elaborate explanations of the intricacies of grammar are given.  

4)  Grammar provides the rules for putting words together, and instruction often focuses on the form and inflection of words.  

5)  Reading of difficult classical texts is begun early. 

6)  Little attention is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as exercises in grammatical analysis.  

7)  Often the only drills are exercises in translating disconnected sentences from the target language into the mother tongue.  

8)  Little or no attention is given to pronunciation.             

Typical Techniques 

Diane Larsen-Freeman, in her book Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (1986:13) provides expanded descriptions of some common/typical techniques closely associated with the Grammar Translation Method. 

The listing here is in summary form only.  

1)  Translation of a Literary Passage                                         

(Translating target language to native language) 

2)  Reading Comprehension Questions                                         

(Finding information in a passage, making inferences and relating to personal experience)  

3)  Antonyms/Synonyms                                                         

(Finding antonyms and synonyms for words or sets of words).  

4) Cognates                                                                           

(Learning spelling/sound patterns that correspond between L1 and the target language)  

5)  Deductive Application of Rule                                     

(Understanding grammar rules and their exceptions, then applying them to new examples)  

6)  Fill-in-the-blanks                                                                    

(Filling in gaps in sentences with new words or items of a particular grammar type).  

7)  Memorization                                                                   

(Memorizing vocabulary lists, grammatical rules and grammatical paradigms)  

8)  Use Words in Sentences                                                          

(Students create sentences to illustrate they know the meaning and use of new words)  

9)  Composition                                                                          

(Students write about a topic using the target language)    


  • The Grammar Translation Method may make the language learning experience uninspiring and boring.
  • The Grammar Translation Method may also left the students with a sense of frustration when they travel to countries where the studied language is used  (they can’t understand what people say and have to struggle mightily to express themselves at the most basic level)

  • This method neither approaches nor encourages the students’ communicative competence.

 Reasons why it still used 

The Grammar Translation Method is still common in many countries – even popular.  Brown in his book Incremental Speech Language (1994) attempts to explain why the method is still employed by stating: 

“This method requires few specialized skills on the part of teachers.”  

“Grammar rules and Translation Tests are easy to construct and can be objectively scored.” 

“Many standardized tests of foreign languages still do not attempt to test communicative abilities, so students have little motivation to go beyond grammar analogies, translations and other written  exercises.”   


The Grammar Translation Method was developed for the study of “dead” languages and to facilitate access to those languages’ classical literature.  That’s the way it should stay.  English is certainly not a dead or dying language, so any teacher that takes “an approach for dead language study” into an English language classroom should perhaps think about taking up Math or Science instead.  Rules, universals and memorized principles apply to those disciplines – pedagogy and communicative principles do not.  

Using drama in the English class

Posted June 4, 2007 by oswaldoipc
Categories: formative

According to the late John Haycraft, English teaching Theater (ETT) “…makes students aware that English is not just words, structures and idioms but a lively, dramatic and versatile means of communication. It emphasizes too, that learning and teaching can and should be pleasurable” (Case and Wilson 2003, 4).

Drama offers an excellent opportunity for students to develop fluency in English and it is concerned with both the “performance” and the process of language learning. Using drama in the classroom gives children who are shy when speaking a foreign language a character to “hide behind.” Using it also means that the children would become actively involved in a script since they are engaged to perform characters, which in term imply personalization, making the use of the foreign language more meaningful and unforgettable than simply drilling or mechanical repetition.

Drama helps children to activate language and have fun since it encourages the children to speak and gives them the chance to communicate, even with limited language, using nonverbal communication, such as body movements and facial expressions. The use of drama can also reduce considerably the pressure that students feel when speaking the foreign language.All in all, we can say that using drama activities in an English class will lead students to:

      Acquire English by listening to instructions.

      Be active and enjoying doing things in English.

      Use nonverbal clues to interpret meaning.

      Get used to understanding general meaning.

      Be ready for spoken interaction.

      Absorb good pronunciation and intonation patterns.